English Outside the Box
A Podcast for your success in life in English beyond the language skills

for non-native English speakers looking for more opportunities with confident conversations, fearless living, and success beyond your wildest dreams.
🚀 Ready to breakthrough success in your English learning journey? Dive deep into your subconscious during this game-changing episode of English Outside the Box. Discover the hidden fears blocking your English success and unlock the secrets to conquer them using the magic (and SCIENCE) of visualization.
🎧 Tune in now to break free from language anxiety, elevate your learning game, and finally reach the levels of success you've been dreaming of. Don't just listen; take charge of your English destiny!
The English Success System is open for enrollment: take a peek inside:Â https://www.englishoutsidethebox.com/peek-inside-ess/
Send me a message to learn more or get started on WhatsAapp:Â https://wa.me/message/
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Get unstuck by creating goals that will actually get you where you need to go and understand how you need to get there.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Discover your unique strengths and weaknesses to understand your path to success.
Learn the system for continued success so that you can keep growing and learning + reach new goals