ways to use tag questions in english

3 Ways to Use Tag Questions in English

You’re a busy English learner, aren’t you? Videos that are short but informative help you a lot, don’t they? You’ve been learning English with me for a while, haven’t you? All of these questions include a tag question and show the 3 ways you can use tag questions in English. What are those 3 ways?…

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Understand English Tag Questions

Understand English Tag Questions

Imagine the following situation: You’re in an elevator at work, and a coworker, who’s a native English speaker, walks in and smiles at you. After you push the button for floor 3, the doors close, and you both stand in silence as the elevator begins to rise. Your coworker turns to you and says, “lovely…

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Travel with Me, Part 4: Tag Questions + HEY

I haven’t finished my travel series yet, have I? You traveled with me to Austin and Sydney, didn’t you? It’s kind of weird I am still writing these questions, hey? Well it’s not too weird since we’ll be diving into tag questions in this post, which I heard so much on my trip. I’ll say confidently that…

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