practice and improve writing in english

8 Ways to Practice and Improve Writing in English

A lot of English learners don’t realize the importance of writing in English. If you are one of these learners, you might think that you don’t need to practice writing because you only want to use English while traveling or informally with friends, for example. Many students believe that they can ignore writing if their…

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TOEFL Writing Tips for the Independent Essay

Oh, the TOEFL test. If you are not familiar with the TOEFL, then let me give you a little information. It stands for “Test of English as a Foreign Language,” and is an exam that is often required for non-native English speakers who wish to work, study, and (sometimes) live abroad. Most universities will require this…

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Describing Scenery with Adjectives and Descriptive Language

The first photo I shared in week 3 of #nostalgicnovember was taken in New Zealand. Spread across a bright green, rolling hillside were thousands of off-white dots. These off-white dots looked almost like a vast cotton field. The green grass that peeked from underneath the white specks appeared so bright because of the way its horizon met an almost…

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Creativity Tuesday: Mariah

Let’s dive right into (begin) Creativity Tuesday today by exploring the idea of CONTRASTS (things that differ from one another in an obvious way): Black | White. Light | Dark. New | Old. Classic | Modern. Simplicity | Complexity. What makes these contrasting words so obviously different from one another? If you guessed opposites, then you hit the nail right…

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