computer and technical English Vocabulary

Important Computer and Technical English Vocabulary

I’ve been hacked! The great news is that I can now use this as an opportunity to teach you important and incredibly useful English vocabulary. I realized, while on hold with Apple support, that many words were used that could be unknown or new to an English learner. That is why today we are talking about important computer and technical English Vocabulary for you to improve your everyday English skills and conversational abilities!

If you use a computer for school, if you work with a computer,  or you have a computer that you use for entertainment, then today’s lesson will definitely help you. Today we’re going to learn:

  • vocabulary in context about computers
  • how to use them in various sentence structures
  • how they sound when being used naturally 🙂

So, have you ever been hacked?

Computer and Technical English Vocabulary

First, let’s review some of the vocabulary from today’s lesson and my “hacked story” naturally in context. Then, below, we’ll get into the definitions and more examples.

As you know, we’ve been in the process of moving. So as I’ve been getting settled into my new routine, I have been using my laptop a lot these days. The other day I opened my laptop, I tried to boot it up, and the whole thing just shut down. I thought the battery died, so I plugged my computer into the wall and connected it to the power. When I turned it on, rebooted it, it made some funny sound and on a screen it said, “type the pin you used to unlock your computer”. However, I didn’t lock my computer, which is a strange thing. That’s when I realized I probably recevived a strange email, like a phishing email, that wanted information. It seemed that it was coming from a reliable source, Apple, but I believe the link was to a virus. I remember clicking on that link and when I did, a hacker got into my system and hacked my computer. Luckily, I had an app on my phone, which allowed me to change all my passwords.

I wasn’t running any security software on my computer, but now I will always use one.

I backed up all my files, but I still have to take to the Apple genius bar, which is the place I take to fix my computer, to regain access to my computer.

Be careful when you open emails that are strange and make sure you have an anti-virus program.

Let’s review some technical vocabulary about computers

Hack: to secretly get access to the files on a computer or on some kind of network in order to get information, to cause damage, to steal stuff, etc.

My computer was hacked!

Someone hacked my email account.

No, I didn’t hack your computer.

To hack is a verb, but it is mostly used in the passive voice: to be hacked.

I, unfortunately, was hacked.

No, I never had my computer hacked.

I’m really afraid of being hacked.

Phishing: the illegal practice of sending emails pretending to be from a real company in order to get people to give personal information (passwords, credit card numbers) and often links to a virus.

I realized I received a phishing email, pretending to be from Apple.If you receive a phishing email, delete it.

If you receive a phishing email, delete it.

If I received a phishing email, I’d delete it immediately

Virus: a program that is designed to harm a computer by deleting data, ruining files, and that can be easily and quickly spread to different computers, systems, and devices.

Don’t open this email. It looks like it contains a virus.

I don’t have a virus on my computer because I’m using a strong operating system.

Anti-virus/security software: programs (software) that you put on a computer to protect you against a virus.

I have an anti-virus program my computer.

I didn’t have any anti-virus software because they say Apple devices are safe.

Boot up/to boot: to start a computer

I need to boot up my computer.

Boot up your computer.

Shut down: to turn off

You can shut down your computer.

In my case, the computer shut down involuntarily. I didn’t do it.

*Notice: Turn your computer down (incorrect). You don’t turn your computer down. You turn it off or you shut it down.

Reboot – to restart the computer, to start it again.

When I rebooted the computer, an unusual screen appeared.

App (application): Programs you download on your smartphone or your tablet.

I have so many English apps, like Gmail, Youtube, etc.

*Notice: It is more natural to say app. The word application is not natural between native speakers.

Back up –  to make a copy of something (files, data, photos) to protect it from being lost. Because you make a copy of it, if it gets lost, you can access this information again. 

Always make sure you back up your files.

You can always back up things on an external hard drive.

Practice makes perfect

Remember, if you don’t practice new vocabulary – you won’t remember it for future conversations. In order to apply the language to your life, practice answering some of these questions:

  • Do you have any anti-virus/security software on your computer?
  • Do you make a habit of backing up your files?
  • Have you ever gotten a virus?
  • Do you always shut down your computer at night?
  • Why should you reboot your computer sometimes?
  • What would you do if you received a phishing email?

While I hope you never have to use this vocabulary because of a hacking situation, you’re now ready to talk about computer and technical English vocabulary!

Until next time,

Happy Studying! ♥

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