5 Ways to Speak English more Fluently without a Private Tutor
There is a common pattern among my students when talking about their English skills, and which of their skills are stronger and weaker. Most students want to improve their English speaking skills. Most students complain that they don’t speak as well as they would like to, and/or lack the confidence to speak as well as they read. Reading is usually the skill they feel is the strongest, and the area they rarely want to practice in our online lessons.
This makes absolute sense. Think about it, learners probably read more in English passively (and actively) than they listen, speak, or write in the language. Learners have the ability to read everywhere: online news article, subtitles on films/TV shows, signs while traveling, Instagram/Facebook or other social media posts, and perhaps the music lyrics of their favorite English songs (the list could go on). Whether they are doing these things to actively study, or just happen to be passively scrolling through Instagram and reading a few posts, the point is that this reading skill gets review and practice over, and over, and over again.
I just had a student tell me yesterday that she has difficulty with her listening comprehension skills, and understands more when she reads. So she relies heavily on the subtitles when watching movies or TV shows. She seemed a little surprised when I told her that while she is getting some passive listening practice by doing this, this exercise is focusing primarily on her reading skills, an area which she already feels is strong. So, I encouraged her not to use the subtitles. I encouraged her to pay more attention to listening and work a little harder on building that skill, rather than defaulting to what was easier.
I also tried to explain a very common MYTH that she and so many students have about improving their speaking. I have heard many times that students don’t think they can improve their speaking skills when talking with other English learners, or by themselves. I have heard all of the reasons:
“But teacher, I might learn incorrect English from other non-native speakers.”
“If I speak with another learner, I won’t improve because the other student won’t correct my mistakes.”
“Teacher, if I speak alone, no one will correct me.”
Most of these reasons surround the idea that one’s speaking skills can’t possibly improve without a private tutor, without being corrected. I debunk (*show that these reasons are not true*) in this article here, about the Benefits of English Language Exchange. However, to summarize the main idea here, you can still improve your speaking without being corrected 100% of the time.
Going back to the examples of building reading skills, all of those things are done without a tutor, and all of those things improve language skills. A student may read and not understand everything, but they are still learning. Vocabulary might be misunderstood while reading subtitles, but English skills are still being improved in other areas (grammar, sentence structure, etc..). So, the same goes for speaking practice. Even if you (my dear student) make a mistake, and it’s not corrected, you are still improving by building more confidence speaking. When you speak aloud to yourself, your brain is still making this connection of producing language vocally and you can begin to learn “what sounds right.”
The main point is, when you produce language orally (when you speak) you will absolutely be improving this skill is some way, shape, or form. You will be improving your speaking skills, even without a tutor.
Are you ready for 5 things you can start doing today, alone, to build those conversational skills and increase your English fluency? Let’s do this!
5 Ways to Speak English more Fluently: Improve English Speaking Skills Today
1) Choose your favorite TV show or movie and record about 3 minutes of audio from one of the characters. Pay attention to their pronunciation, intonation, and how they use the grammar and vocabulary. Now, repeat exactly what they say OUT LOUD and record yourself to compare. Analyze the differences and make note of where you need to improve (is your accent much different? is the intonation off?) Repeating this will help you sound and speak more like a native.
Bonus English Outside the Box material: Learn English through TV: The Complete Bloodline Series season 1 worksheets
2) Read a piece of complex text out loud to familiarize yourself with various sentence structures and grammar points. This will be even better if it’s corrected text you have written to ensure it is language you can and will use. Make sure you have the text edited to be sure it is using correct language. Reading it aloud with simulate speaking by producing English orally (rather than just in your head when you read to yourself).
3) Join my Instagram video challenge(s)! You don’t have to post your video to practice, but can at least record yourself (on your own phone)”responding” to my questions. You will hear my sentence and answers and can read about the grammatical structures to make sure you are responding using accurate English. Record yourself speaking, responding to this question to get more speaking practice. See an old example here, and make sure to follow English Outside the Box for my newest challenges on Instagram stories:
4) Speak to yourself as you complete a task, and imagine you are “telling a friend” what you are doing in the moment. This will help with your present and present continuous tenses and can help you identify where you lack vocabulary needed in your day-to-day activities. So if you are cooking, then say aloud what you are doing. EX: “I am grabbing a cutting board from the cupboard and putting it on the counter. I am getting a knife from the drawer so I can chop my onion and garlic. I already cut the celery, so I don’t need to do that. Next, I am going to put water in a pot and bring it to a boil” Etc… Etc…
5) Find a language exchange partner to communicate with on Skype, Facetime, Viber, or Whatsapp! There are so many people out there who need to practice their language skills, and want more opportunities to speak English. Finding a partner and setting up a 20-30 minute (or more) conversation meeting would be a great addition to your weekly studying. There are many places to find conversation partners, especially on social media.
If you want my help finding you a conversation partner, then click here to join my monthly training program, the Conversation Club!
Which of these are you going to start doing right away?
Which one do you feel the most nervous to do?
Remember that stepping outside of your comfort zone and feeling nervous is a good sign. It means you’re doing something differently, which is going to lead you to different results. These different results are improve English skills! So, what are you waiting for? Get out there and start speaking English!
Happy Studying! ♥
Please, help me help your friends! If you share this post with (at least) 1 friend, that is 1 more person I can help improve their language skills. I say thank you, and they will be thankful too!
The Conversation Club will provide you with 6 group conversation calls to practice with a real teacher and a group message community to connect with other members.
You will also get weekly English lessons to help your vocabulary, listening, reading, pronunciation, and more!
Try the Club for 1 week, free! Join the 1-week free trial here.
Madam it’s a great job. Thanks do such a job .I love you and your works. Pls help me about this became I am very weak in English. My email no. is: [email protected]. May God bless you.
I agree with your idea of recording a short piece of a favorite TV show or movie, then recording our own voice to compare with the native speaker’s voice. Can you suggest a free software for this? I only know about Praat, but it’s more complicated than I want. Plus, I want to suggest this to my students, so I want something really simple. But, if you suggest something sophisticated, then I’ll look into it.
Thanks much
Thank you for taking time to consider and to helps all of students for the eagerness an English fluency spoken.
hi Jen thanks for the post it really useful. can you help me to get a conversation partners plz
There are plenty of conversation partners in our Facebook group, or you can connect with a partner and get materials when you sign up for my Phrasal Verb Club 🙂
Hello lovely Teacher
My name is ilyas and i recived today your email and your meaninsfull article.
I learned english many years ago and then german because i live in Austria and now i’m going to improve my english, therfore i need your help to find an english partner.
Thank you in advance and don’t forget i love you so much.
Hello! Join my Facebook group to find a conversation partner! 🙂 Or of course, sign up for my Conversation Club for more learning opportunities!
Hey Jennifer! Thank you for your lessons! would you really help me find a language exchange partner? That’d be great!! See you 🙂
Hey! Join the Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/englishoutsidethebox There are tons of people there looking to connect 🙂
Great tips!! Thank you for posting this information. The points that are mentioned are simply superb! Even I will follow this points and will also share it with my friends. Keep updating with more such posts!
Thanks so much, I will definitely keep posting 🙂
Hi jennifer,
Good Day.
Thanks alot for sharing this information to us.It was very helpful and I really appreciate it.
I am looking for a language exchange partner to communicate and improve my english.
Kindly please help me to find a partner. Looking forward to hear from you. Thanks.
I send you the information via e-mail, I hope you found it! Thanks for learning with me!
hi jenni,this is naveen.i am from india.i would like to speak English fluently.i need a good partner. do u help me plz
Did you find your partner yet?
hi jennifer, i like too much your help for us, I’m from colombia and I would like practice talking with an american person, do you like help me?
pdta. i see you every days in instagram 🙂
Hi James! Great to hear from you. If you are interested in Skype classes, send a message through the contact page and we can set up a learning plan for you! Thanks
Great article! I need help to find and English conversation partiner. Could you help me, please
HI Mariana! Send me an e-mail (jenesl760 (@) englishoutsidethebox .com) with your e-mail so I can get you set up! Please note that my e-mail is all one word with ( ) ok? 🙂
could i find partner to practice english with me please
I’ll send you an e-mail to follow up!