Phrasal Verb Friday: Summertime!
Happy Friday! ♥
It already feels like summertime here in Tucson, 106° today, and even hotter earlier this week; however, the first official day of summer is this Sunday, June 21. The summer solstice is just a few days away, so I wanted to share some summer related phrasal verbs with you on the blog, with a small paragraph for context.
How are you going to cool down this summer?
Is there a favorite place (pool, beach, lake) that you like to splash around?
How do you keep from burning up in the summer sun?
When did it start warming up in your city?
I’d love to hear/read the answers to these questions, so feel free to share your thoughts below in the comment section, or connect with me via social media. Find me @Jenesl760
[…] are many ways to learn phrasal verbs! You can learn phrasal verbs by theme, like with this post about summertime, the music festival Coachella or chores around the house. Or you can do what we’re doing […]
[…] blog, as there are many writing opportunities. If you’re feeling lazy 😉 , just click here, here, or here. You may even learn some phrasal verbs, too! […]